How to connect destination store with source store?
Estimated reading: 1 minute
Applies to 2 or more stores.
You need to install the app in all stores.
Case 1 : Current store is Destination store:
Add the source store domain(format: source store unique code(format: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx) to the “Enter source store unique code or domain” section of the home page in the IMPORT section.
The source store will be listed immediately in Source Stores page upon successful authentication.
Case 2 : Current store is Source store:
Add the destination store domain(format: destination store unique code(format: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx) to the “Enter destination store unique code or domain” section of the home page in the DUPLICATE STORE section.
The destination store will be listed immediately in Destination Stores page upon successful authentication.