How to import data from current store to other store?(Duplicate Store)

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Required: 2 stores are connected.

If your stores are not connected: How-to-connect-destination-store-with-source-store?


Step 1:  Select Duplicate Store


Step 2: Choose destination store

(If the store list is blank, input your destination domain or unique code into the Active destination store to active)

Step 3.1: Select Resources (case does not include Themes)

Step 3.2: Select Resources (case includes Themes)

Step 4: (Only for Theme Source) Select A Theme and Enter new theme name

Step 5: Enter Package Name and Description

Step 6: Select Suitable App Plans

Step 7: Check and confirm task

Step 8: Wait for the task to be completed

(Cancel or rerun task if necessary)

After the process is completed:

Check task details on the Activity Logs page.

Download the exported file(.zip) if needed.


Check task’s Export table and download task logs(excel) if needed.

Check task’s Import table and download task logs(excel) if needed.

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How to import data from current store to other store?(Duplicate Store)

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